Saturday, November 29, 2008

Been a while...

Hello friends and family,
After a minimal 4 month break, I'm back at blogging.  Thank you to all who lovingly guilt tripped me into updating again!  I am sorry I dragged my feet responding to your early requests.  We've been having fun traveling around visiting you (probably, unless you're in Malaysia or Indonesia!) and posting blogs just hasn't been a high priority.  Having the chance to talk with you all face to face after 2 1/2 long years has been a huge pleasure!!!  Yet, for those of you who are now far away from us, let the cyber communications begin...
I'll do a nutshell briefing, for those of you who don't know or couldn't guess:  August 11th we had Rosie, October 1st we moved back to the USA, 2 1/2 weeks visiting family in California, then on to Colorado to visit friends and family.  We are still in Colorado as of November 29th (today), staying with my (Holly's) parents until we get the 'boot' (guesstimating around New Year).  We're searching high and low for our new house, be it in Denver where we thought we might head, or elsewhere.  Andy has signed up for an online film school and is making the most of it before picking up full time work.  Judah is now 3 years old and Rosie is already 3 months old.  We've enjoyed 3 snowfalls (one just today!) and really can't get enough of it and the hot cocoa that follows.  
We are not missing the warm days of Malaysia yet, as the cold weather is just too much of a novelty still.  However, give us another few months and we'll reassess our feelings about it then!  Pine cones, long sleeves, deer, fireplaces, french fries and, as I already mentioned HOT COCOA are on Judah's new favorites list.  On his not so favorite list tends to be transitioning, meeting new people and brushing his teeth.  Since only one of the items on the second list can be discussed by me, (mom), without tears, I'm going to just let that discussion rest until further notice.  Ahhh, such is life.  :)  We'll get through it!
Andy and I find ourselves walking through some tough times with folks all around us here, and would ask for your pryrs for our family and friends struggling and for wisdom on how to share with them in this season they are all traversing through...
More to come, especially photographs!
Please know that we would love to hear from you and see your pics when you've the time to share.  All our love,
The Womacks